Monday, October 09, 2006

Romantic Ideas For Dating

Romantic Ideas For Your Love

Surprise your boyfriend or girlfriend with a romantic getaway! This site will provide ideas for romantic vacations, and romantic honeymoon ideas. In addition, you’ll find romantic birthday ideas, romantic dining or picnic suggestions, some excellent romantic gift ideas for your husband or wife, love poems and songs to give your lover, and romantic date ideas for your special someone such as a romantic getaway on a private beach!


On small pieces of paper write the letters of your name. Put the paper pieces inside one or more balloons. Attach a card and some chocolate with a tack/pin and write something on the card like: ‘Guess who wants to ask you out?’. He or she will get the message ;)


Buy flowers for your lover for no reason, send a cute romantic e-card, take a candlelit bubble bath together, make a call during the day just to say ‘I love you’, leave love notes in hidden places like the glove compartment or under a pillow, watch the sunset in a romantic area, cook breakfast and deliver it in bed, write a love poem, both of you call in sick and spend the day together in bed, scatter rose petals on the bed with a cute gift in the middle, go back to the place where you had your first date.


Make a romantic card yourself, tape a single rose to your crush’s locker, write a love letter and hide it under the chair of your crush, carve your initials and your sweetheart’s into a tree, go out for a romantic lunch, slow dance to your favorite slow song, dedicate a song on the radio.

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